S T R U C T O R I Z E R - User Guide
Export > Picture

Interactive Export as Picture

Via the menu "FileExportPicture..." you may create image files of your Nassi Shneiderman diagrams in several image file formats.

Currently the following formats are supported:

  • PNG
  • EMF
  • PDF
  • SVG

PNG files are exported with transparent background (since version 3.24-15).

On exporting to PNG, you may split the image of a (large) diagram into a matrix of several files. After selecting menu item "PNG (multiple) ..." you will be asked for a number of columns and a number of rows. The file names will then be generated with a two-dimensional numbering, making clear how the image is divided into the tiles and which file contains what part. Both row and column index are added as two-digit decimal numbers counting up from 00, e.g. if you selected a file name "myDiagram.nsd" and decided to split the image into a matrix of 2 columns and 3 rows, then the files would be named and associated to the image sections according to the following scheme:

myDiagram-00-00.png myDiagram-00-01.png
myDiagram-01-00.png myDiagram-01-01.png
myDiagram-02-00.png myDiagram-02-01.png

To compensate rounding problems, the files of the last column and the last row may be some pixels larger than the others lest there should be losses.

Note: Prior to release 3.25, the generated files in mode "PNG (multiple) ..." were continuously numbered row by row, columns first, e.g. if you exported an NSD with name "myDiagram.nsd" and decided to split the image into a matrix of 2 columns and 3 rows, then the files would have been named and associated to the image sections according to the following scheme:

myDiagram-0.png myDiagram-1.png
myDiagram-2.png myDiagram-3.png
myDiagram-4.png myDiagram-5.png

Batch Picture Export (versions ≥ 3.32-23)

From version 3.32-23 on, Structorizer may also be used in batch mode to generate picture files of certain graphics or document file formats from NSD or arrangement files. The command syntax is given below, where the underlined pseudo program name Structorizer is to be replaced by the respective batch or shell script name for the console environment:

  • structorizer.sh for Linux, UNIX, and the like;
  • Structorizer.bat for Windows.

The scripts can be found in the Structorizer installation directory; don't try with Structorizer.exe! (Even while a Java WebStart installation had still been supported it did not provide them — you need the unzipped downloadable version.)

Structorizer (-i|--image) filetype [-s settings-file] [-o output-file] nsdarr-file ...

The command will usually generate one picture file for every diagram (.nsd) and arrangement (.arr, .arrz) file listed as arguments.

Unless a specific settings file (.ini file) is specified via option -s, the diagram drawing preferences (view, font, parser and other related preferences from the personal ini file for the Structorizer installation will be applied.

The options mean:

-i or --image (followed by a file extension as listed below) must be the first option and selects the target file format (or file type). Currently supported file formats are (case-insensitive):

  • PNG
  • EMF
  • PDF
  • SVG

-o (followed by an absolute or relative folder path) specifies a non-default output folder. Without option -o the output file name(s) and locations will be derived from the respective .nsd , .arr, or .arrz file name by replacing the name extension with the one associated to the target file format, e.g. ".png". With option -o, however, the specified folder will be used as common target folder for all output files. If the last path component is a name not specifying an existing folder (but new or associated with a simple file) then this name will be ignored and the (existing) parent folder will be the target folder. Be aware that Structorizer will always force the file name exension specified in the -i/--image option. The -o specification will be ignored if the path does not exist, i.e., cannot be used without having created the required subfolders before.

-s (followed by a text file path) specifies a settings-file (i.e. some .ini file) to be used used for retrieval of drawing-relevant view-specific settings and e.g. parser preferences. (Without switch -s the preferences from the user-specific .ini file would be used.) The file ought to contain the relevant key=value pairs, otherwise the respective application defaults would be used.
Since version 3.29-12, you may prepare suited option in Structorizer GUI and save just the relevant option categories to a specific ini file, see Preferences export and import.

nsdarr-file is the file path of a Structorizer diagram (.nsd) or an arrangement file (.arr or .arrz) to be drawn into a file. It might also be a so called Arrangement file specification. An arrangement file specification consists of an arrangement file path (.arr, .arrz) with an optionally appended sequence of diagram names or routine signatures, separated with exclamation marks (no blanks!), e.g.

  • D:\workspace\tests\bar.arr!MAIN!sub(2-3)!test(7)
  • '/home/bob/files/foo.arrz!test(7)!MAIN!sub(2-3)'

In case diagram names or signatures are given, then only the specified diagram subset of the arrangement will be included into the graphics content.

Note: It is possible that an arrangement file was not the result of saving an arrangement from Arranger but the result of e.g. batch code import. In this case, the positions of the diagrams in the arrangement may be unset, which causes Structorizer to draw all contained diagrams at the coordinate origin, i.e. one on top of the other. In batch mode, Structorizer will not detect this and not rearrange the diagram to avoid overlapping. You might consider loading the .arrz file into the interactive Structorizer (in order to arrange the diagrams sensibly and then saving the resulting arrangement again.