S T R U C T O R I Z E R - User Guide
Use Cases

There are several ways to use Structorizer as there is a variety of ways to use Nassi Shneiderman diagrams. Here we will show some paradigmatic ones in examples and give you advice for the recommended preferences to support these modes.

To keep it simple we will use a very little common task as example: To reduce all multiple blanks in a text to single blanks, e.g. let the input text be given as:
"  This   is     a  very  airy  string .",
then the desired result would be (note that single spaces are not removed, not even where they seem "misplaced"):
" This is a very airy string ."

These are the use cases we will discuss:

  • The purist documentation approach — just structure with verbal, non-formal content;
  • The initial design approach for external refinement (in a target language IDE);
  • The design (and analysis) approach with stepwise refinement within Structorizer;
  • The learning approach for beginners in programming;
  • Structural analysis and documentation of existing software.

Note that this list of paradigms is neither exhaustive nor completely disjoint. Instead the items may be overlapping, borders fluent.